Wall Street Music

"Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with singing"
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Wall Street Music

The purpose of the Music ministry at Wall Street United is to guide and lead the congregation into an experience of the presence of God through song and music in such a way that both celebrates and glorifies God, as well as encourages and strengthens all of us to be disciples of Jesus in the world.

Our music ministry is warm, welcoming and gloriously diverse. Nearly every Sunday features music composed in the last few years and music composed in the last few centuries led by the band, the music director on piano or on the Casavant organ.

The Wall Street music team support band-led choruses, praise selections and congregational hymns as well as prepare small choral pieces for special services.

We also have a youth music program for children and youth vocalists and musicians ages 6 to 18. Young people participate in the morning worship music program and can join the youth worship band led by Connor Houle. 

No matter your experience, skill level or age, if you want to further develop your musicality and spirituality and connect with a community of faith-filled, music-loving people we invite you to join us!

Samia O’Day, Music Director

Join The Music Team

The worship music team meets to practice for the morning worship service at 8.30 on Sunday mornings.  The youth music band meets for practice after the morning service with Connor Houle, the Youth & Children’s Church Leader.

If you would like to get involved and are new to Wall Street you are welcome to join our music practices and take some time to get more familiar before playing or singing in the morning worship service.  Get in touch by phone or email or use the Contact form to find out more.

Music Ministry

Individual musicians and vocalists who are looking for a more challenging experience are invited to connect with the Director of Music to determine how they could further develop their skills and spiritual leadership to participate in additional opportunities within the music ministry.

Experience God’s love and presence with Wall Street Music  

Connect anytime and anywhere!

Select the song you would like to hear from our most recent videos or the full list below. Remember to check back as new songs are posted every week. Go to Wall Street United Church YouTube channel and subscribe to get automatic updates when a new song is posted. 

You Make Beautiful Things

Be Not Afraid

You Are The Light Of The World


Lord I Need You

Stained Glass

Sunday Worship Services

10 am  - In person & Livestream

5:50 pm - In person & Facebook Live

5 Wall Street, Brockville
Ontario, K6V 4G8

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