Welcome to Wall Street United Church
Going to a new place for the first time can feel awkward……
We hope the information on this page will answer some of your questions about what to expect and will help you to plan your visit. Get in touch by phone or email or use the contact form if you have any questions and let us know how we can help.
We invite you to celebrate God’s love with us. Our church is God’s home. We share it with you as a place for life: a place where you can learn, grow, participate, connect, and celebrate!
Wall Street United Church, 5 Wall Street, Brockville, Ontario, K6V 4G8
Phone: 613 342 5401, email: office@wallstreetchurch.com
Frequently Asked Questions
Are you part of a denomination?
We are a congregation of The United Church of Canada.
Are you an inclusive Church?
Wall Street places a very high value on being open and welcoming to ALL, as Jesus was, regardless of age, race, class, gender, orientation, or physical ability.
What time are your worship services?
The morning service is at 10am and the evening service is at 5.50pm.
What is the difference between the morning and evening service?
The morning worship service is more of a structured, traditional worship service with inspiring messages and uplifting music. Our talented music team blends contemporary worship music with more traditional hymns. The morning service is also available by livestream to our YouTube channel.
The evening Celebrate Life Service is very casual but holy. It is an opportunity for anyone and everyone to come and find an authentic, faith-led community filled with love. You can also join on Facebook at Celebrate Life Service. Send a request on facebook to be added to the group if this will be your first time.
Do you offer a children and youth program?
The Children & Youth Group meets during the Sunday morning service every week for supervised play and activities, but children are also welcome to stay in the sanctuary There is a youth worship band that meets after the morning service Children and youth are also welcome to participate in Music worship team.
But isn't church just for good people?
The whole point of Christianity is that none of us are good enough to make it on our own. If you feel like you need a safe space, a place where you belong, some support, guidance and help in life, join us at the Wall Street.
How can I get involved?
To find out more about how you can get involved, plan a vist or check out the What’s Happening and Get Connected pages.
Do I need to pay?
You are our guest and are not expected to give any money. There is an offering plate near the entrance, but we don’t pass the plate during the service. We always welcome contributions to the work of the church, but nobody will be upset (or even notice) if you don’t.
Is there parking / are we accessible?
Our parking lot is off Victoria Avenue and there is additional parking on Wall Street.
We are fully accessible. Wheelchair access is available in the main entrance. Use the elevator to get to the Sanctuary on the first floor and to access our rooms on the second floor.
There is an accessible washroom on the main level.
Service Animals are welcome.
Where does the service take place in the church?
We always have greeters in the entrance hall and outside the sanctuary who will show you the way.
How do I need to dress?
Nowadays, not many dress up for church—just wear what you feel comfortable in.
How will I know what happens next during the service?
Most churches have some common features including songs, a talk of about 20 minutes, prayers and announcements. Just follow the crowd and you’ll be fine.
Do I have to sing?
We sing songs as a way of expressing our love for God. No one else is looking at you. Join in or listen if that is what you would like to do.
We are a Community
Church is not a building. The building is where we meet, but a church is a community of people who want to support each other, share God’s love to others and make a difference in the community and the world. It’s not about rules – Christianity is about a transforming relationship with Jesus and with others.
We hope you stay and join us for coffee time and fellowship and after our morning service. It’s a great time to meet us and everyone will be happy to answer any questions you may have. You can also connect with our Newcomers Team.
Get Connected
What's Happening
Children & Youth

Sunday Worship Services
10 am - In person & Livestream
5:50 pm - In person & Facebook Live
5 Wall Street, Brockville
Ontario, K6V 4G8