Are you feeling like Bartimaeus—yearning to see clearly in a world of uncertainty?
This Sunday, join us as we journey through Mark 10:46-52, exploring Jesus’ compassionate response to a blind man’s cry for mercy. Come and discover how Jesus meets us in our deepest needs, inviting us to take heart and follow him, no matter what lies ahead.
Come, be part of the crowd that sees through Jesus’ eyes. See you there!
Morning worship at Wall Street on Sunday November 3rd is at 10am. If you aren’t able to join us at 10am, in person or online, watch the service later on our YouTube channel or go to Watch & Read page where you can also watch the shorter Sermon and scripture videos and read and download sermon transcripts.
If this is the first time you have visited our website go to I’m New Here Page to find out how you can connect with Wall Street Church. You can also use the contact form so that we can get back to you directly.