Sunday Worship Services


Join Wall Street United Church for Sunday morning Worship at 10.00am in person or online. Everyone is welcome.  

Livestream will go live when the service starts, or watch later as all morning worship services are posted to on  Wall Street’s YouTube Channel. 


If you missed the service or want to watch previous services check out the Services and Sermons page and select the service you would like to watch by clicking on the date.  Click on the service title to read a transcript of the sermon.  You can also go to Wall Street United Church YouTube channel and subscribe to get updates when a new video is posted.  

Evening Worship service, Celebrate Life 

Join us for Celebrate Life at 5.50pm every Sunday in Heritage Hall and live on the Celebrate Life Service Facebook group.  

We have a different speaker every week, sharing stories of life struggles, and how God has worked in their life.  We all have ‘hurts, habits and hang-ups’ and we hope you will join us as we share our journeys.

If you are not a member of our facebook group please send us a request to join this group.  


Celebrate Life Service Summer Schedule 2024


The Celebrate Life team will be taking some breaks over the summer.   There are NO Sunday evening worship services at Wall Street Church on: June 30th, July 7th, August 4th, August 11th and September 1st. 

If you need prayer support or would like it find out more about Celebrate Life service contact the church office at 613-342-5401 or email us at